Audrey & Scott


The Arnold Arboretum

We started off on a tiny path near the front where there were tons of buttercups and really pretty light at the beginning of the Arboretum. I really like the way the greens came out in this section, I used both Portra 400 and Lumiere 100 stocks.


The lilacs were in bloom so we OBVIOUSLY had to go take some photos over there. I also had so much fun playing around with double exposures on the Holga. I also brought some expired Kodak Gold and was happy with the vintage looking results!


The Polaroids really captured the colors beautifully! Also the Ektar I used in the 120 Mamiya camera really turned these lilacs into a crazy pink color in the double exposure.


Next we went down to the Rhododendron path. Hiding behind the bushes was to check out th esmall creek with a tiny bridge!!! The colors were gorgeous and since it had just rained the colors were SUPER vivid!!


There is a small footbridge we thought was adorable so I stayed far away and just let the two of them walk along the beams a couple times, and meet me at the end! On to ascent our hill!


On the way back Audrey requested we stop at this spot near the top of a hill. There was a gorgeous field filled with buttercups and a really cool old rock foundation we decided to explore. These are some of my favorite images from the whole day. LOOK at these two just frolicking and being humanssss!!!! THEY IN LOVEEE.


On the way out we stopped to look over the instant photos!! This is my favorite way to end a session, 100%!!! I always like to see which photos my couples enjoy the most. This concluded the session and I cannot WAIT for the wedding next year!!!


Evan & Tris


Heather + Tyler : An NYC Black Tie Affair Transported to the Shores of Lake Winnipesaukee