Emily & Josh : Engagement : Lake Whalom, MA

The lake setting for this engagement shoot has special meaning for Emily & Josh. They met as young children when their parents were neighbors living on this lake. They have been friends since they were young and have been dating since high school. It was so special to share not only the lake where they hung out as kids with them (only a stone’s throw from the lake I grew up on) but also to take photos in the backyard of the beautiful home they share together. We were able to use some smoke bombs to transform the woods behind their house into a magical fairyland, and I am so glad that they entrusted my vision and trusted me enough to get INTO the woods. Oh also, I got to meet their cats which was amazing. Hope you all enjoy!


Ashley & Mark : Engagement : Lake Webster, MA


Kara & Chad : Engagement : Doane's Falls Royalston, MA